Welcome to the Home Page of
John E. Wampler
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
The University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602

Biographical Data
Summary Biograhical Sketch
Tutorials for introductory and graduate level study:
Tutorial on Protein Structure - The Basics
What Known Protein Structures Tell Us - Examining Known Structures
Protein Folding Motifs - How They Fold
Lectures and Presentations on Molecular Modeling & Computational Biochemistry
Enzyme Kinetics and Protein Binding - Three Tools for Studying Mechanisms
Tutorial on DANFIP -
Distribution Analysis by Non-Linear Fitting of Integrated Probabilities

Bioluminescence Studies: Research and Resources
"To the Web, To the Web." "NO! NO! I'll Scream".... -
presentation slides from a Franklin College Outreach talk.
"Renilla Green Fluorescent Protein:
Discovered and Identified by Function" -
presentation slides from
the historical perspective talk at the International Symposium on GFP.
"How Computers Control our World." -
presentation slides from a Franklin College Outreach talk.
"DANFIP Analysis: Seeing the Forest AND
the Trees" -
Departmental Seminar, May, 1997
"The Unusual Kinetics of Rubredoxin Thermal
Denaturation" -
invited presentation, Chemistry Department, New University
of Lisbon, Monte de Caparica, Portugal. February, 1998
"Computational Approaches to Studies of Protein-Protein
Interactions" -
Departmental Seminar, October, 1998
These pages contain materials protected by copyright.
This presentation designed by John E. Wampler
Last update: August 18, 2009